
18 & 20 November 2020: Virtual Conference „Construction Products – Fit for the Future“

Wir möchten Sie auf diese Veranstaltung hinweisen, bei der unser geschäftsführender Vorstand Annette von Hagel die Sektion „The European Green Deal and its impact on the construction and building sector“ moderieren wird.

Titel: „Construction Products – Fit for the Future“
Datum: 18. und 20. November 2020
URL: https://cpr-conference.de/
Aktuelles Programm: Download [PDF]
Conference summary: One of the greatest achievements of European integration is the single market and its free movement of goods. Thanks to harmonised European standards, the construction industry is able to sell its products everywhere in Europe. As the legal basis for marketing construction products, the Construction Products Regulation needs to keep up with constantly changing technology. In addition to creating a functioning single market for construction products while ensuring building structure safety, we need to overcome the standstill in standardisation. Greater attention should also be paid to subjects such as health, climate change mitigation, sustainability and circular economy. The European Green Deal has already set out a number of goals. The conference aims at bringing together various stakeholders, including representatives from European institutions, policy-makers, public administration officials from EU member states, experts from the research community and representatives from the private sector.